Immigration News, Information, and Latest Happenings

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ImLaw Attorney Profile: Brian Mick
Gwen Bultema Gwen Bultema

ImLaw Attorney Profile: Brian Mick

Brian Mick brings 15 years of immigration law experience to ImLaw. Since 2012, Brian has practiced exclusively immigration law including employment-based immigration and family-based immigration at ImLaw. He tells his story about how he discovered his passion for immigration law, his hobbies, and his work at ImLaw.

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Susan Im Susan Im

Unlocking Opportunity: Equipping Businesses in Michigan to Hire and Retain International Talent

ImLaw attorney Susan Im spoke at two events in 2024 aimed at equipping businesses of all sizes to better understand the process of hiring and retaining international talent. As our communities continue to be enriched by international students and immigrants, these resources help ensure that employers understand how to fill the talent gaps they face within critical positions. 

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B-1 Business Visitors: What Can You Actually Do on a B-1 Visa?
b-1 Susan Im b-1 Susan Im

B-1 Business Visitors: What Can You Actually Do on a B-1 Visa?

B-1 business visitors may be admitted to the United States to engage in certain legitimate, finite business activities other than the performance of skilled or unskilled labor. In today’s post, we’ll take a closer look at who qualifies and what activities are allowed as a business visitor.

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